Persoonlijke Veiligheid

A person can:

7 days without food 3 days without water and only 3 minutes without oxygen.
Make this 3 minutes, by the use of the package SES, 15 minutes.

Despite various measures, fire remains a real risk. Perhaps you have taken the necessary precautions, but you also thought about what happens when unexpected fire breaks out in your building? More than 80% of the victims is not by flames or collapsing structures, but by the
inhalation of fumes.

This can be prevented with the SES package. This includes among others the fire escape hood Dräger and fire blanket Firetexx.

The fire escape hood provides protection against fire gases and makes flight possible.

The mask provides for at least 15 minutes of protection against high levels of smoke, toxic gases or combustion gases, and particles such as those occur in case of fire, such as hydrogen cyanide, hydrochloric acid gas and the highly lethal carbon monoxide. At lower concentrations is even an hour-long protection.
Clean air and not suffer from watery eyes, a feeling of security.

In the SES package you will find the fire escape hood, a special fire blanket that your body can be beaten in order to walk along a fire.

The flight time during a fire is only minutes away. Smoke and toxic gases benouwde ensure a situation where they must act quickly. The combination of the brandvluchtkap with the fire blanket provides help with this. If a person is in fire safety to bring the situation could arise where the person by flames or a short distance from flames to flee. The fire blanket to save the person may be protected from temperatures and radiant heat. For more information about this flight mask look at

Recently notified on its website that the flight time of 17 house fires has decreased to 3 minutes.

The flight mask and fire blanket can also help here! Read the whole article;